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Black Summer is an American zombieapocalypsedrama web television series, created by Karl Schaefer andJohnHyams. Jaime King stars in the lead role as Rose, a mother whoisseparated from her daughter during the earliest and mostdeadlydays of a zombie apocalypse. The series garnered moderateapprovalfrom critics.
Furthermore, what was Sun saying in black summer?
Black Summer's most dynamic andinterestingcharacter is Sun (Christine Lee), a Korean womanwho doesn'tspeak English and who never receives a translationforviewers.
Similarly, who made black summer?
Karl Schaefer John Hyams
She became catatonic after her husband Tobia sufferedamental breakdown that led to cannibalism during theBlackSummer. In Z Nation, it's understood that theBlackSummer referenced the year 2018 (the firstinfection was2016), when there was an extreme drought andresources becamescarce. In fact.