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Bow of the Galadhrim. The Bow of theGaladhrim was the gift Galadriel bestowed to Legolas. Beforethe Company of the Ring left Lothlórien, Galadriel presentedeach of them with gifts. To Legolas she gave a bowsuch as the Galadhrim used.
Also asked, what is the name of Legolas sword?
Orcrist (also called the Goblin-cleaver) was anElven sword from Gondolin, the mate of Glamdring, whichbecame the sword of Thorin II Oakenshield during The Questof Erebor. It was used by Thorin in The Hobbit, and was feared andcalled Biter by the Goblins.
Also Know, what is Legolas's last name?
Why is Legolas's last name Greenleaf when theword "Legolas" already means Greenleaf? Greenleaf is notLegolas's last name. Nor, in fact, are we ever given alast name for Legolas (or Gandalf, or Aragorn, or anyof the non-Hobbit members of the Fellowship).
2931 years old