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Similarly, is excite a verb or noun?
verb (used with object), ex. cit. toarouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of: toexcite a person to anger; actions that excited his father'swrath. to arouse or stir up (emotions or feelings): toexcite jealousy or hatred.
Regarding this, what is the noun form of honest?
n?sti/ [uncountable]the quality of being honest She answered all my questionswith her usual honesty.
excitedly. In an excited manner. Synonyms: eagerly,passionately, furiously, heatedly, wildly, madly, frantically,tensely, breathlessly, erratically, hysterically, excitably, hotly,restlessly, tempestuously, apprehensively, feverishly,uncontrolledly, uncontrollably, frenziedly.