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Asked by: Zhengyong Baues
religion and spirituality hinduismWhat is the oldest English word still used today?
Today I discovered some of theearliestEnglishwords that are still in commonusagetoday.According to a 2009 study by researchers atReadingUniversity, theoldest words in the Englishlanguageinclude "I","we", "who", "two" and "three", all of whichdate backtens ofthousands of years.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the oldest English word still in use?
Oldest English words that are stillinusetoday. The words "I" and "who" are amongtheoldestwords in use today, along with thewords"two","three", and "five". The word "one" isonly younger bytheslightest bit.
Likewise, when was the first word spoken?
The earliest English word we have a recordofwasdiscovered during an archeological dig near Norwich, Englandintheearly 1930s. It was written in an ancient runic scriptcarvedonthe bone of a deer: "raihan." But what does itmean?
8 Oldest Languages In The World Still WidelyUsed!
- Tamil (5000 years old) - Oldest Living Language in India.
- Sanskrit (5000 years old) - Oldest Language in India.
- Egyptian (5000 years old)
- Hebrew (3000 years old)
- Greek (2900 years old)
- Basque.
- Lithuanian.
- Farsi (2500 years old)