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Correspondingly, what is the difference between concerned and worried?
According to H. Stephens, "There is a greatdifference between worry and concern. Aworried person sees a problem, and a concerned personsolves a problem". WORRIED: Anxious or troubled about actualor potential problems. CONCERNED: Worried, troubled,or anxious.
- Set aside a designated “worry time.”
- Kick your online addiction.
- Be mindful.
- Accept the worry — and then move on.
- Write your worries down.
- Cut yourself some slack.
- Keep your hands busy.
- Make time for meditation.
Also to know is, what is the synonym of worried?
Synonyms of worried aflutter, antsy, anxious, atwitter, dithery, edgy,goosey, het up, hinky [slang], hung up, ill at ease, insecure,jittery, jumpy, nervous, nervy, perturbed, queasy (also queazy),tense, troubled, uneasy, unquiet, upset,uptight.
The answer. To sum it up in a word, the opposite of worry is“mindfulness.”