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Also asked, is Alum singular or plural?
We used to have “alumnus” (malesingular), “alumni” (male plural),“alumna” (female singular) and“alumnae” (female plural); but the latter twoare now popular only among older female graduates, with the firsttwo terms becoming unisex.
Similarly, you may ask, are you an alum or alumni?
Alumnus is used to refer to a male graduate orformer student. Alumni is the plural of alumnus butcan also be used to refer to a group of men and womangraduates/former students. Alumna is used to refer to awoman graduate or former student. Alumnae is the plural ofalumna.
alumni. A group of people who have graduated froma school or university. Alumni is usually used to refer to agroup of graduates of either one or both genders, while'alumnus' traditionally refers to a single male graduate,with the feminine term being 'alumna'.