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Asked by: Sakira Guldreih
medical health lung and respiratory healthWhat is the prefix of cyanosis?
One very commonly used term containing the word root cyan- is cyanosis. Cyan- is combined with the suffix -osis, which means condition of. Cyanosis is a term used to describe a condition where a person appears blue in color due to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Another term is cyanopsia.
Besides, what is the prefix of hepatitis?
hepatitis, hepatotoxic, hepatomegaly. hidr(o) sweat, sweat glands.
Similarly one may ask, which prefix means pain?
dys- prefix meaning bad, difficult, or painful. endo- prefix meaning within or inside. homonym.
: marked by or causing a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of the skin and mucous membranes) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood : relating to or affected with cyanosis On arrival at the emergency room, the patient was cyanotic and unconscious with labored respirations at 40/min.—