Asked by: Sakira Guldreih
medical health lung and respiratory health

What is the prefix of cyanosis?

One very commonly used term containing the word root cyan- is cyanosis. Cyan- is combined with the suffix -osis, which means condition of. Cyanosis is a term used to describe a condition where a person appears blue in color due to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Another term is cyanopsia.

Besides, what is the prefix of hepatitis?

hepatitis, hepatotoxic, hepatomegaly. hidr(o) sweat, sweat glands.

what is the prefix of Eupnea? eup·ne·a. Normal, unlabored breathing. [New Latin, from Greek eupnoia, from eupnoos, breathing well : eu-, eu- + pnein, to breathe; see pneu- in Indo-European roots.]

Similarly one may ask, which prefix means pain?

dys- prefix meaning bad, difficult, or painful. endo- prefix meaning within or inside. homonym.

What does cyanotic mean?

: marked by or causing a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of the skin and mucous membranes) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood : relating to or affected with cyanosis On arrival at the emergency room, the patient was cyanotic and unconscious with labored respirations at 40/min.—

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Which medical terms have a prefix?

However, more important than learning Latin, is learning common root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Following are some of the most frequently used prefixes and suffixes in medical terminology.

Learning medical terms:
Prefix/Suffix: Equals: Examples:
scopy/ scopic to look, observe colonoscopy (look into colon)

Liqun Haanstra


What prefix means fast?

Tachy- Prefix meaning fast or rapid. Tachycardia.

Loren Melato


Where does the word hepatitis come from?

In the United States, hepatitis A is estimated to occur in about 2,500 people a year and results in about 75 deaths. The word is derived from the Greek hêpar (?παρ), meaning "liver", and -itis (-?τις), meaning "inflammation".

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What is the root in hepatitis?

hepat - root word means liver. -itis - suffix means inflammation. hepatitis - means inflammation of the liver. neuroplasty. neuro - root word means nerve or nerves.

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Do all medical terms have a prefix?

All medical terms have a root word. They may also have a prefix, a suffix, or both a prefix and a suffix.

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Is Glyc a root word?

glyc(o)- word element [Gr.], sweetness; glucose. See also words beginning gluc(o)-.

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What is the suffix of vision?

vision - Suffix
visual modality; visual sense; sight.

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What is the root word for cell?

Term. cyto. Definition. (ROOT WORD) cell.

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What is the suffix for weakness?

The suffix for weakness is -asthenia. The full term would be cystomyasthenia meaning weakness of the bladder muscle.

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Which prefix means around?

Prefixes meaning 'before' are pre- and ante-. The prefix peri- means 'around' or 'surrounding' and it is used in terms like peritoneum and pericardium.

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Which prefix means good or normal?

tachy- Prefix means hypo- Below. Prefix means good, normal.

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What is a prefix suffix and root word?

Affixes are word that are added before or after the root word and change the meaning of a root or base word. Prefixes and Suffixes are both Affixes. Prefixes are word parts that come at the beginning of the root wood. Suffixes are word parts that come at the end of the root or base words.

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Is able a root word?

-able. a suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin (laudable); used in English as a highly productive suffix to form adjectives by addition to stems of any origin (teachable; photographable).

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What is the root of arthralgia?

arthralgia (n.)
"pain in a joint," 1848, earlier in French and German, from Greek arthron "joint" (from PIE root *ar- "to fit together") + -algia "pain." Related: Arthralgic.

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What happens during Eupnea?

1) Eupnea: a mode of breathing that occurs at rest and does not require the cognitive thought of the individual. During eupnea, also referred to as quiet breathing, the diaphragm and external intercostals must contract. During exhalation, the diaphragm is relaxed which decreases the volume of the lung cavity.

Geraldin Saladrigas


What is Hyperpnea?

Specialty. Respirology. Hyperpnea is increased depth and rate of breathing. It may be physiologic—as when required to meet metabolic demand of body tissues (for example, during or after exercise, or when the body lacks oxygen at high altitude or as a result of anemia)—or it may be pathologic, as when sepsis is severe.

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What does RR mean medical?

respiratory rate

Neoma Bekker


What are respiratory patterns?

The types of clinically relevant normal and abnormal respiration patterns include the following: Eupnea is normal breathing. Sighing is an involuntary inspiration that is 1.5 to 2 times greater than normal tidal volume. Dyspnea is the subjective sensation of difficulty breathing.