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Consequently, what is the function of BOD Incubator?
BOD incubator is the most versatile andreliablelow temperature incubator which is designed tomaintain at20°C, necessary for Biological OxygenDemand/Biochemical OxygenDemand (BOD) determination. BODincubators providecontrolled temperature conditions foraccelerated tests andexposures.
what is incubator principle?
Incubator Is a device in whichincubationprocess is done which conditions an enclosure to apredeterminedtemperature because it provides and maintains allartificialoptimal conditions for growth of microbialculture.
Incubator is a device used to grow andmaintainmicrobiological cultures or cell cultures. Theincubatormaintains optimal temperature, humidity and otherconditions suchas the CO (CO2) and oxygen content of theatmosphereinside.