Asked by: Clarence Darenkov
medical health sleep disorders

What is the priority when caring for a patient having a generalized tonic clonic seizure?

Keep the person SAFE. Help the person lie down, and place something soft under the head and neck. Keep the person (especially the head) away from sharp or hard objects, such as the corner of a table. Loosen all tight clothing.

Accordingly, what do you do when a patient has a seizure?

First Aid

  1. Keep other people out of the way.
  2. Clear hard or sharp objects away from the person.
  3. Don't try to hold her down or stop the movements.
  4. Place her on her side, to help keep her airway clear.
  5. Look at your watch at the start of the seizure, to time its length.
  6. Don't put anything in her mouth.

Secondly, what should you do after a tonic clonic seizure? For someone having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure:
  1. Give them room. Keep other people back.
  2. Clear hard or sharp objects, like glasses and furniture, away.
  3. Cushion their head.
  4. Loosen clothing around their neck, if you can safely.
  5. Don't try to hold them down or stop their movements.

Secondly, what is the name of the phase of a generalized seizure right after a patient has stopped seizing?

After the Seizure Ends Following a seizure, there is a recovery period called the post-ictal phase. Some people recover immediately, while others require minutes to days to feel like they're back at their baseline.

What happens in the brain during a tonic clonic seizure?

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures This disturbance is caused by electrical signals spreading through the brain inappropriately. In the tonic stage of the seizure, your muscles stiffen, you lose consciousness, and you may fall down. The clonic stage consists of rapid muscle contractions, sometimes called convulsions.

Related Question Answers

Shiyong Aran


What should you not do after a seizure?

Knowing what NOT to do is important for keeping a person safe during or after a seizure. Do not hold the person down or try to stop his or her movements. Do not put anything in the person's mouth. This can injure teeth or the jaw.

Abdelah Raviña


Should you go to the hospital after a seizure?

It is often not necessary for the person who has had the seizure to go to hospital. However an ambulance should be called if: A convulsive (shaking) seizure lasts more than five minutes. One convulsive seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness in between.

Meirong Gontier


What should a nurse do during a seizure?

In the hospital setting, padded bed rails are often used to protect patients from harm during a seizure. Next, you should turn the patient on their side to prevent them from choking or aspirating on their saliva. If suction is available, it can be used in addition to turning the patient on their side.

Hamudi Dechantsreiter


Is it OK to sleep after a seizure?

After the seizure: they may feel tired and want to sleep. It might be helpful to remind them where they are. stay with them until they recover and can safely return to what they had been doing before.

Kizzy Limpert


Can you feel a seizure coming on?

Seizures can last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and sometimes it's hard to tell that a person is having one, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seizure signs and symptoms may include: Temporary confusion—often described as a “fuzzy” feeling. A staring spell.

Aleksandr Negusaroy


What are the 4 types of seizures?

The different types of generalized seizures are:
  • absence seizures (formerly known as petit mal)
  • tonic-clonic or convulsive seizures (formerly known as grand mal)
  • atonic seizures (also known as drop attacks)
  • clonic seizures.
  • tonic seizures.
  • myoclonic seizures.

Kathey Ponnekanti


How long should you rest after a seizure?

Nineteen out of 20 seizures stop by themselves within two to three minutes, although there can be a prolonged period of confusion afterwards. For seizures that last longer than five minutes, a call for an ambulance should be placed. First, remember to remain calm.

Ofelio Teague


What can trigger a seizure?

seizure triggers. Triggers are situations that can bring on a seizure in some people with epilepsy. Some people's seizures are brought on by certain situations. Triggers can differ from person to person, but common triggers include tiredness and lack of sleep, stress, alcohol, and not taking medication.

Donatila Bilgram


What are the 3 main phases of a seizure?

A seizure often has three distinct phases: aura, ictus, and postictal state. The first phase involves alterations in smell, taste, visual perception, hearing, and emotional state. This is known as an aura, which is actually a small partial seizure that is often followed by a larger event. The seizure is known as ictus.

Hassina Gaset


What is the stage after a seizure?

The postictal state is the altered state of consciousness after an epileptic seizure. It usually lasts between 5 and 30 minutes, but sometimes longer in the case of larger or more severe seizures, and is characterized by drowsiness, confusion, nausea, hypertension, headache or migraine, and other disorienting symptoms.

Paula Allcock


Do you remember a seizure?

However, some people, although fully aware of what's going on, find they can't speak or move until the seizure is over. They remain awake and aware throughout. Sometimes they can talk quite normally to other people during the seizure. And they can usually remember exactly what happened to them while it was going on.

Amjid Schuttelkopf


How long are you unconscious after a seizure?

The seizure lasts more than five minutes. Breathing or consciousness doesn't return after the seizure stops.

Daiva Crevillen


Why am I so tired after a seizure?

Fatigue is a feeling of overwhelming tiredness, weakness or exhaustion that can be mental, physical or both. When you have epilepsy, you are more likely to be affected by fatigue than other people. Having disrupted sleep, because of seizures or the effect of epilepsy medicines, makes fatigue more likely.

Orlanda Anschel


How long is Postictal phase?

The postictal phase can last for seconds, minutes, hours, and sometimes even days. It is commonly thought of as the time during which the brain recovers from a seizure.

Cori Bascoy


Do you stop breathing when you have a seizure?

During a convulsive or tonic-clonic seizure, it may look like the person has stopped breathing. This happens when the chest muscles tighten during the tonic phase of a seizure. Rescue breathing or CPR is generally not needed during these seizure-induced changes in a person's breathing.

Evdochia Hristov


What is ictal state?

Ictal. Ictal period refers to a physiologic state or event such as a seizure, stroke, or headache. The word originates from the Latin word ictus, meaning a blow or a stroke. In electroencephalography (EEG), the recording during a seizure is said to be "ictal".

Soila Chamba


What is the most common type of seizure?

Generalized seizures
The most common and dramatic, and therefore the most well known, is the generalized convulsion, also called the grand-mal seizure. In this type of seizure, the patient loses consciousness and usually collapses.

Oihan Arah


Can you die in your sleep from a seizure?

Or, can you die from a seizure in your sleep? The short answer is yes, but while possible, death from epilepsy is also rare. When you hear of someone dying from a seizure, you might assume the person fell and hit their head. Most, but not all, deaths occur during or right after a seizure.

Eleonore Theron


How does your body feel after a seizure?

You may keep having some symptoms even after the seizure activity in your brain has stopped. This is because some symptoms are after-effects of a seizure, like sleepiness, confusion, certain movements or being unable to move, and difficulty talking or thinking normally.