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Also know, what happens when you put magnesium in water?
When magnesium interacts with water, it will form a hydrogen gas that ignites violently due to the excessive heat and oxygen supply. When it reacts, it will burn hot enough to decrease the water molecule, which turns to a Hydrogen Gas.
why does magnesium not react with water?
Magnesium burns in steam to produce white magnesium oxide and hydrogen gas. Very clean magnesium ribbon has a very slight reaction with cold water. However, the reaction soon stops because the magnesium hydroxide formed is almost insoluble in water and forms a barrier on the magnesium preventing further reaction.
The acid-base neutralization reaction between the magnesium hydroxide and acetic acid progresses until one runs out (vinegar in all but the last addition). As the vinegar reacts the pH of the solution increases, resulting in the color change. Once all of the vinegar reacts, equilibrium is reestablished.