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Subsequently, one may also ask, why is haemon important in Antigone?
Haemon tries to reason with Creon, telling himthat he has heard many of the town's people talking aboutAntigone's death sentence. Haemon explains the peoplethink Antigone's actions are honorable and just and that theKing's punishment is too harsh.
Considering this, what do Creon and haemon argue about?
Creon's son, Haemon, reasons with hisfather to change his mind and free Antigone in order to avoidoffending those citizens who side with her. Creon rejectshis son's advice fiercely and threatens to kill Antigone right infront of him. Haemon leaves, declaring that Creonwill never see him again.
The main theme of Antigone is that thelaws of the gods are more essential than any law ofman. Creon, who took over the rule of Thebes after the civilwar. Creon comes to the agreement that Polynices should notbe buried.