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A referee or simply ref is the person ofauthority in a variety of sports who is responsible for presidingover the game from a neutral point of view and making on-the-flydecisions that enforce the rules of the sport, includingsportsmanship decisions such as ejection.
Likewise, people ask, what are the roles and responsibilities of a referee?
Football referee must enforce therules The referee's principal responsibility isto enforce the rules to his appointed match as set out in the Lawsof the Game. He has the full power to sanction players formisbehaving badly during a match.
Beside above, what is the role of a referee in badminton?
The referee is the most senior official ina badminton tournament and they in overall charge of allmatters which affect play and the players on and off court. Liaisonwith Umpire and Line Judge managers. The correctimplementation of regulations and the Laws ofBadminton.
You'll need:
- patience and the ability to remain calm in stressfulsituations.
- the ability to accept criticism and work well underpressure.
- to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
- the ability to work well with others.
- ambition and a desire to succeed.
- excellent verbal communication skills.
- concentration skills.