Asked by: Latarsha Nigemeier
business and finance marketing and advertising

What is the root word of competition?

or directly from Late Latin competere "strive in common,strive after something in company with or together," in classicalLatin "to meet or come together; agree or coincide; to bequalified," from com "with, together" (see com-) + petere "tostrive, seek, fall upon, rush at, attack" (from PIE root*pet- "to rush, to

Moreover, what do you mean by competition?

Definition of competition. 1 : the act or processof competing : rivalry: such as. a : the effort of two ormore parties acting independently to secure the business of a thirdparty by offering the most favorable terms contractors incompetition for the contract to build the newschool.

Furthermore, what is the adjective form of competition? compete is a verb, competition is a noun,competitive is an adjective:They like tocompete against each other.

Secondly, what is the synonym of compete?

battle, contend, face off, fight, race, rival, vie.Words Related to compete. challenge, engage, play. jockey,jostle, maneuver.

What causes competition?

Biology and ecology Competition within, between, and among speciesis one of the most important forces in biology, especially in thefield of ecology. When resources are limited, several species maydepend on these resources. Thus, each of the species competes withthe others to gain access to the resources.

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What are the 4 types of competition?

There are four types of competition in a freemarket system: perfect competition, monopolisticcompetition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Under monopolisticcompetition, many sellers offer differentiatedproducts—products that differ slightly but serve similarpurposes.

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What is the purpose of a competition?

Page 1: The purpose of competitionpolicy
It brings important benefits to the consumer by:encouraging enterprise, innovation, efficiency and a widening ofchoice; enabling consumers to buy the goods and services they wantat the best possible price; and. contributing to our nationalcompetitiveness.

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What is healthy competition?

Healthy competition focuses on delivering aquality product and continuously looking for ways to improve it sothat it's better than the competitors. Unhealthycompetition is negative and focuses on pointing out theflaws in the competing products.

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What is the antonym of competition?

Antonyms: cooperation. Synonyms: rival,contestation, competitor, disceptation, disputation, contender,rivalry, argument, arguing, contention, challenger, contest,tilt, controversy. rival, challenger, competitor,competition, contender(noun)

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Is competition a good thing?

Why Competition is a Good Thing.Competition is essential because it leads to one veryimportant thing, innovation. People are always looking forproducts with more features and capabilities, products that costless but can do more, and products that just plain solve theirneeds/wants better than any other product can.

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What are the 3 types of competition?

Three types of competition and how to tackle them
  • 1) Direct competitors –
  • 2) Indirect competitor –
  • 3) Phantom competitors –

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What is form competition?

Competition Is Defined by the Customer. Productform competition - includes only products or services of thesame product type. Product category competition - productsthat have similar features and provide the same basicfunction.

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What is the same as competition?

Competition is an interaction between organismsor species in which both the organisms or species are harmed.Competition among members of the same species isknown as intraspecific competition, while competitionbetween individuals of different species is known as interspecificcompetition.

Lindy Pladellorens


What does being competitive mean?

competitive. If you're competitive, youwant to be the best. No one likes to lose, but if you are acompetitive person, it will be especially disappointing tosee someone else win. People who are competitive like tocompete — to find out who knows the most, runs the fastest,can eat the most hot dogs, and so on.

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What does vying for mean?

verb (used without object), vied, vy. · ing. tostrive in competition or rivalry with another; contend forsuperiority: Swimmers from many nations were vying for thetitle.

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What is the synonym of competitor?

competitor. rival, contender, adversary,emulator; see contestant, opponent 1.

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What is the synonym of effectively?

effectual, efficacious, efficient, fruitful, operative,potent, productive. Words Related to effective. hyperefficient,ultraefficient. adequate, capable, competent. accomplished, adept,consummate, experienced, expert, masterly, practiced (alsopractised), proficient, skilled, skillful, versed, veteran,virtuoso.

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What is competitive in business?

A competitive environment is the dynamic externalsystem in which a business competes and functions. The moresellers of a similar product or service, the morecompetitive the environment in which you compete. Look atfast food restaurants - there are so many to choose from; thecompetition is high.