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Likewise, what is the meaning of being brave?
The Oxford dictionary primarily defines'brave' as the following: Ready to face and endure danger orpain; showing courage. From the definition, I wager thereare two parts to being brave – the ability to endure,and courage. In order to understand bravery, one mustunderstand its opposite – fear.
Keeping this in consideration, who is a brave?
brave. Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a littlebit daring, a person who is brave faces dangerous ordifficult situations with courage. The adjective brave canbe used to describe anyone or anything that displays courage, suchas a brave firefighter, a brave guide dog, or evenbrave holiday shoppers.
fearless, courageous, daring, valiant, intrepid, bold,dauntless, undaunted, undismayed, confident, unafraid, plucky,unabashed, chivalrous, valorous, heroic, adventurous, dashing,venturesome, mettlesome, forward, audacious, reckless, foolhardy,gallant, resolute, militant, defiant, hardy, doughty, stout,stout-