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Asked by: Maicol Mbitil
video gaming music and party video gamesWhat is the significance of Edelweiss?
Thereof, what is Edelweiss used for?
Edelweiss extract is a particularly powerfulantioxidant – it has even more potency than vitamin C. Ithelps your skin stay wrinkle-free, supple, and firm. The tiny hairson edelweiss petals protect the flower from the strong UVrays it experiences at high altitudes.
Beside this, why is Edelweiss Man in the High Castle?
The original song, Playbill notes, “representedthe indomitable spirit of the Austrians under Nazi control.”In The Man in the High Castle, it represents the Americanversion of the same thing. “Edelweiss,” here, isa lullaby that is soothing precisely because it insists, againstall odds, on staying awake.
However, Austria's official anthem is "Land derBerge, Land am Strome", and the anthem used from 1929 untilthe Anschluss was "Sei gesegnet ohne Ende". The edelweiss isa popular flower in Austria and was featured on the old Austrian 1schilling coin.