Asked by: Zarek Iribarnegaray
personal finance options

What is the standard deviation of the stock market?

Description. Standard deviation is thestatistical measure of market volatility, measuring howwidely prices are dispersed from the average price. Ifprices trade in a narrow trading range, the standarddeviation will return a low value that indicates lowvolatility.

Then, how do you find the standard deviation of a stock?

The calculation steps are as follows:

  1. Calculate the average (mean) price for the number of periods orobservations.
  2. Determine each period's deviation (close less averageprice).
  3. Square each period's deviation.
  4. Sum the squared deviations.
  5. Divide this sum by the number of observations.

Likewise, what is the S&P 500 standard deviation? S&P 500 has current Standard Deviationof 0.9259. The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spreadout the prices or returns of asset are on average. It is the mostwidly used risk indicator in the field of investing andfinance.

Hereof, what does Standard Deviation tell you?

Standard deviation is a number used totell how measurements for a group are spread out from theaverage (mean), or expected value. A low standard deviationmeans that most of the numbers are close to the average. A highstandard deviation means that the numbers are more spreadout.

What is a good standard deviation?

For an approximate answer, please estimate yourcoefficient of variation (CV=standard deviation / mean).As arule of thumb, a CV >= 1 indicates a relatively high variation,while a CV < 1 can be considered low. A "good" SD dependsif you expect your distribution to be centered or spread out aroundthe mean.

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The average of the squared differences from the Mean. Tocalculate the variance follow these steps: Work out the Mean(the simple average of the numbers) Then for each number: subtractthe Mean and square the result (the squareddifference).

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Definition of population values
In other words, the standard deviation σ(sigma) is the square root of the variance of X; i.e., it is thesquare root of the average value of (X −μ)2.

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Why standard deviation is important?

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Putting market volatility into annualterms. A stock's volatility is the variation in its priceover a period of time.