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Also, how do you calculate the standard error of the difference?
Calculating Standard Error oftheMean The formula for the SD requires a fewsteps:First, take the square of the difference between eachdatapoint and the sample mean, finding the sum of those values.Then,divide that sum by the sample size minus one, which isthevariance.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the standard error of the mean?
Put simply, the standard error of thesamplemean is an estimate of how far the sample meanislikely to be from the population mean, whereasthestandard deviation of the sample is the degree towhichindividuals within the sample differ from thesamplemean.
Standard Error of the Mean (1 of2)The formula shows that the larger the sample size, thesmaller thestandard error of the mean. Morespecifically, thesize of the standard error of themean is inverselyproportional to the square root of thesample size.