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Asked by: Bette Vanderlinden
music and audio international musicWhat is the standard height for a peephole?
Correspondingly, what height do you install a peephole?
The most important factor to consider wheninstalling your new opening to the outside is howhigh you want it to be mounted. This can varyamong households, but the average height is between 4 and5½ feet from the ground. Anyone who would open thedoor should be able to comfortably look through the newpeephole.
Also question is, can a peephole be installed in a door?
If you don't have windows that let you see who'sknocking, install a door peephole. Standardpeepholes are inexpensive, and are sold at home centers andhardware stores. Installation takes less than 15 minutes,whether your door is wood, steel, fiberglass or a compositematerial.
That's why a person can't see inside yourhome through a peephole from the outside. Instead, he or shejust notice a small range of angles with blurred, dim images.Another important factor that makes it nearly impossible to seethrough a peephole is that there will be more lights onthe outside than the inside.