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Also asked, what is the symbol for capacitance?
The SI unit of capacitance is thefarad(symbol: F), named after the English physicistMichaelFaraday. A 1 farad capacitor, when charged with 1 coulombofelectrical charge, has a potential difference of 1 volt betweenitsplates.
Also Know, what is capacitance on a multimeter?
A multimeter determines capacitancebycharging a capacitor with a known current, measuringtheresulting voltage, then calculating thecapacitance.Warning: A good capacitor stores anelectrical charge andmay remain energized after power isremoved.
The selection knob allows the user to setthemultimeter to read different things such as milliamps(mA)of current, voltage (V) and resistance (Ω). Two probesareplugged into two of the ports on the front of the unit.COMstands for common and is almost always connected toGroundor '-' of a circuit.