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Likewise, people ask, what is the meaning of symbolism in art?
1 : the art or practice of usingsymbolsespecially by investing things with a symbolicmeaning or byexpressing the invisible or intangible bymeans of visibleor sensuous representations: suchas.
Regarding this, what is the symbolic meaning of the Tree of Life?
In this way, the tree of life is asymbolof a fresh start on life, positive energy, goodhealth and abright future. As a symbol of immortality. Atreegrows old, yet it bears seeds that contain its veryessence and inthis way, the tree becomes immortal. As asymbol ofgrowth and strength.
Keys have been used to symbolizeman'sability to gain access to those things of either a materialorspiritual nature which are of the greatest significancetohim. The key is an object symbolic of openingandclosing powers, such as the power to open the door betweenthisworld and the next.