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Asked by: Irmina Peron
music and audio religion and spirituality podcastsWhat is the synonym of Epitome?
Similarly, how do you use the word epitome in a sentence?
epitome Sentence Examples
- The fashions presented were the epitome of the style ofthe1930s.
- The hotel was the epitome of British colonial eleganceinJamaica.
- The epitome of feminine beauty might become the rotund figureonwhich the momma appears to pride herself.
- His lifestyle was the epitome of unsustainable living.
Also asked, what is another word for role model?
Synonyms and Near Synonyms ofrolemodel embodiment, epitome, incarnation,manifestation,personification, phantom, pink. beau ideal, classic,eidolon,exemplar, idea, ideal, model, nonesuch, nonpareil,paragon,patron saint. archetype, example, mirror, paradigm,pattern.guideline, principle, rule.
e a person or thing that is typical of or possesses toahigh degree the features of a whole class; embodiment: She istheepitome of kindness. 2. a condensed account, as ofaliterary work; abstract. [1520–30; < Latinepitomēabridgment < Greek epitom? abridgment,surfaceincision.