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Likewise, people ask, what is the synonym of explanation?
elucidation, clarification, interpretation, narration,recital, rendition, showing, display, exposition, explication,elaboration, demonstration, specification, definition, confession,description, telling, talking, writing, expression.
Additionally, what is it to explain and define something?
To explain is to make plain, clear, orintelligible something that is not known or understood: toexplain a theory or a problem. To elucidate is to throwlight on what before was dark and obscure, usually by illustrationand commentary and sometimes by elaborate explanation: They askedhim to elucidate his statement.
abetment, aid, assist, assistance, backing, boost, hand,helping hand, leg up, lift, support. Words Related tohelp. advancement, encouragement, facilitation, forwarding,furtherance, furthering, nurturance.