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intriguing. Synonyms: adroit, artful,crafty, cunning, deceitful, designing, diplomatic, foxy, insincere,knowing, maneuvering, sharp, shrewd, sly, subtle, tricky,wily.
Also asked, what is an intriguing person?
· tri. · guing. to arouse the curiosity orinterest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compellingqualities; appeal strongly to; captivate: The plan intrigues me,but I wonder if it will work.
Subsequently, question is, how do you use intriguing in a sentence?
intriguing Sentence Examples
- Tell me, what's the most intriguing thing about her?
- That's the intriguing part and what I hope Vinnie Baratto willtell us.
- His father was intriguing.
- I know who has been intriguing--I know!
- Or maybe it was the intriguing matter of 2.8 milliondollars.
Definition of thought-provoking. :causing people to think seriously about something athought-provoking article.