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Besides, what are some of the principles John Gottman has found that determine if a marriage will work?
The Seven Principles for Making MarriageWork. The seven principles Gottman sets out are for thepartners to enhance their love maps; nurture fondness andadmiration; turn toward each other instead of away; let theirpartner influence them; solve their solvable problems; overcomegridlock; and create shared meaning.
Also to know, what is a love map Gottman?
Love Maps Are Like Insurance In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage WorkGottman says that deep love maps give solidfoundations to a marriage. Couples with rich love mapsindeed cope better with the stressful events in theirlives.
This pattern has been the subject of so much study thatit has a formal name along with an acronym: Demand/Withdraw orDM/W. It describes the situation when one person wants to initiatea discussion about something important and the person to whom sheis speaking reacts by withdrawing—refusing to answer, sayingnothing