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Similarly, it is asked, what does lycidas mean?
Lycidas is a pastoral elegy, which we talked about briefly in "In a Nutshell." These poems have a tradition in which the poet gives the dead person whom they're mourning a name from the works of Virgil, Theocritus, or other similar poets.
Subsequently, question is, why is lycidas a pastoral poem?
"Lycidas" is an elegy in that it is a poem that laments its subject's death. And it's a pastoral elegy in that it's set among an idealized rural landscape full of nymphs, muses, and sundry other figures from ancient Greek mythology.
s?d?s/) is a poem by John Milton, written in 1637 as a pastoral elegy. The poem is 193 lines in length, and is irregularly rhymed. While many of the other poems in the compilation are in Greek and Latin, "Lycidas" is one of the poems written in English.