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Asked by: Nath Zwickenpflug
hobbies and interests beadworkWhat is the thing at the end of a necklace called?
Simply so, what is the end of a necklace called?
Technically, the clasp's name is a boob. Notlying, the clasp part of the necklace is called theboob of the necklace.
Also to know is, what is the thing that holds a pendant called?
A bail (also spelled "bale") is a component of certaintypes of jewelry, mostly necklaces, that is used to attach apendant or stone. A classic bail allows the chain to passthrough and is connected by a ring to the pendant. Bails area frequently pre-made component used on an otherwise handmade pieceof jewelry.
necklace. A necklace can be a simple goldor silver chain, a length of beads or gems, or a pendanthanging from a cord. As long as it's worn around the neck, it's anecklace. The word, which dates from the late 1500s,combines neck with lace, meaning "cord," from the Old French laz,"string, cord, or snare."