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French word for yes is oui.
Simply so, how do u say yes in French?
The Basic Yes in French Oui is the standard way to say yes inFrench.It's simple and straightforward, and you can use it inallinstances where you wish to express a positiveanswer.Example: « Tu peux venir ici s'il teplait?
Beside this, does we mean yes in French?
One of the first words you learn inFrenchis the word for "yes," oui, but sometimes sican alsomean "yes" (as it does inSpanish andItalian).
— Ouais, tranquille. You've gotyourbaccalaureate then? Yeah, no problem. (informal) Used toexpressconsent. Synonyms: mouais (informal), ouaip (informal), oui,ouep(informal), yep (anglicism)