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Similarly, is Undertale a Nintendo game?
Undertale. The world-famous indieRPGUNDERTALE comes to Nintendo Switch! Fall intotheunderworld and explore a hilarious and heartwarming world fullofdangerous monsters. Date a skeleton, dance with a robot, cookwitha fishwomanor destroy everyone where they stand.
Besides, what age group is Undertale appropriate for?
Personally I agree with common sense media, this gameisa great game for kids! There may be some violence every nowandthen, but for ages 9+, it's not that bad. This game isveryinteresting, it gives you like 2 paths, you can choose to beamurder (9+) or choose to make peace and be friendswitheveryone.
Undertale PC Game FreeDownload.Undertale is a RPG game for PC published bytobyfoxin 2015.