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Asked by: Gulfam Stobwasser
technology and computing operating systemsWhat is Unix operating system Quora?
Similarly one may ask, what is Unix based operating system?
UNIX is an operating system which wasfirstdeveloped in the 1960s, and has been under constantdevelopment eversince. By operating system, we mean thesuite of programswhich make the computer work. It is a stable,multi-user,multi-tasking system for servers, desktopsandlaptops.
Also question is, which type of OS is UNIX?
UNIX. (Pronounced yoo-niks) UNIX isapopular multi-user, multitasking operating system(OS)developed at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. Created byjust ahandful of programmers, UNIX was designed to be asmall,flexible system used exclusively by programmers.
Proprietary Unix operating systems(andUnix-like variants) run on a wide variety ofdigitalarchitectures, and are commonly used on webservers,mainframes, and supercomputers. In recent years,smartphones,tablets, and personal computers running versions orvariants ofUnix have become increasinglypopular.