Asked by: Aizhen Goulding
technology and computing databases

What is view and advantages of views?

Views can provide advantages over tables:Views can represent a subset of the data contained in atable. Consequently, a view can limit the degree of exposureof the underlying tables to the outer world: a given user may havepermission to query the view, while denied access to therest of the base table.

In this way, what are the advantages of views?

Advantages and Disadvantages of views in SqlServer

  • Security. Each user can be given permission to access thedatabase only through a small set of views that contain thespecific data the user is authorized to see, thus restricting theuser's access to stored data.
  • Query Simplicity.
  • Structural simplicity.
  • Data Integrity.
  • Logical data independence.
  • Performance.

Likewise, what is a view in SQL What is the use of a view? A view is actually a composition of a table inthe form of a predefined SQL query. Views are used forsecurity purpose in databases,views restricts the user fromviewing certain column and rows means by using view we canapply the restriction on accessing the particular rows and columnsfor specific user.

Also to know, what are the advantages of views in SQL Server?

The following are advantages of using databaseviews.

  • A database view allows you to simplify complex queries: adatabase view is defined by an SQL statement that associates withmany underlying tables.
  • A database view helps limit data access to specific users.
  • A database view provides extra security layer.

What is view and its advantages in DBMS?

A DBMS provides a framework for betterenforcement of data privacy and security policies. Wider access towell-managed data promotes an integrated view of theorganization's operations and a clearer view of the bigpicture. It becomes much easier to see how actions in one segmentof the company affect other segments.

Related Question Answers

Suimei Pflogel


Can we insert data in view?

Only the select statement is stored on the databaseinstead. However, views can be used and perform DMLoperations ( Insert , Update & Delete ) also. You caninsert data to the above tables using the views we havejust created. And it is the same syntax that we use toinsert data to tables.

Aksel Sertucha


Are views faster than queries?

Views make queries faster to write, butthey don't improve the underlying query performance. Once wecreate an indexed view, every time we modify data in the underlyingtables then not only must SQL Server maintain the index entries onthose tables, but also the index entries on the view.

Shaila Cinque


What view means?

A view is a subset of a database that isgenerated from a query and stored as a permanent object. Althoughthe definition of a view is permanent, the datacontained therein is dynamic depending on the point in time atwhich the view is accessed. Views represent a subsetof the data contained in a table.

Faissal Gray


What are the different types of view?

There are 2 types of Views in SQL: SimpleView and Complex View. Simple views can only containa single base table. Complex views can be constructed on more thanone base table. In particular, complex views can contain: joinconditions, a group by clause, a order by clause.

Berry Feldblum


What are views in DBMS?

A database view is a searchable object in adatabase that is defined by a query. Though a view doesn'tstore data, some refer to a views as “virtualtables,” you can query a view like you can a table. Aview can combine data from two or more table, using joins,and also just contain a subset of information.

Radut Sanabria


What is the use of NVL function?

The NVL( ) function is available inOracle, and not in MySQL or SQL Server. This function isused to replace NULL value with another value. It is similarto the IFNULL Function in MySQL and the ISNULLFunction in SQL Server.

Velva Glockner


What is the difference between table and view?

A view is a virtual table. A viewconsists of rows and columns just like a table. Thedifference between a view and a table is thatviews are definitions built on top of other tables(or views), and do not hold data themselves. If data ischanging in the underlying table, the same change isreflected in the view.

Lyuba Teigelkotter


Does SQL views store data?

It does not hold the actual data;it holds only the definition of the view in the datadictionary. The view is a query stored in thedata dictionary, on which the user can query justlike they do on tables. It does not use the physicalmemory, only the query is stored in the datadictionary.

Ty Quinche


Can we update view in SQL?

If the view contains joins between multipletables, you can only insert and update one table inthe view, and you can't delete rows. You can'tdirectly modify data in views based on union queries. Youcan't modify data in views that use GROUP BY orDISTINCT statements.

Paulette Dangel


What is a view in SQL?

In SQL, a view is a virtual table based onthe result-set of an SQL statement. The fields in aview are fields from one or more real tables in thedatabase. You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOINstatements to a view and present the data as if the datawere coming from one single table.

Roly Passos


What is view in DBMS and its types?

A database view is a subset of a database and isbased on a query that runs on one or more database tables. Thereare two types of database views: dynamic viewsand static views. Dynamic views can contain data fromone or two tables and automatically include all of thecolumns from the specified table or tables.

Azalea Barazezar


How does SQL View work?

One of the objects you can create in a SQL Serverdatabase is a view, a virtual table that retrieves data fromone or more tables (or other views), similar to how a SELECTstatement returns a data set. SQL Server viewsabstract the underlying table schema while presenting data in rowsand columns like a regular table.

Fadrique Landaburu


Why do we use view in MySQL?

Because MySQL views look and function likeregular tables, they are sometimes called virtual tables. Viewsoffer a number of advantages. You can use views to hidetable columns from users by granting them access to the viewand not to the table itself. This helps enhance database securityand integrity.

Raiza Zheromsky


Can a view based on another view?

A VIEW is actually a query and the output of thequery becomes the content of the view. The VIEW canbe treated as a base table and it can be QUERIED,UPDATED, INSERTED INTO, DELETED FROM and JOINED with other tablesand views. A VIEW is a data object which doesnot contain any data.

Vernita Arhold


How do I view a SQL database?

Using SQL Server Management Studio
  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL ServerDatabase Engine, and then expand that instance.
  2. Expand Databases, right-click the database to view, and thenclick Properties.
  3. In the Database Properties dialog box, select a page to viewthe corresponding information.

Luara Nereu


Does View automatically update?

A view is basically a stored query, it holds nodata so no, it won't get updated when the tables it's builton are. However as soon as you reference the view the queryit's based on will run, so you will see the changes made tothe base tables. Yes, a view is a SELECT query againstunderlying tables/views.

Inma Scarpelli


What is stored procedure in database?

A stored procedure is a set of Structured QueryLanguage (SQL) statements with an assigned name, which arestored in a relational database management system asa group, so it can be reused and shared by multipleprograms.

Yarisa Traeger


In what situations would you use a view?

Simplicity - Views can be used to hide and reusecomplex queries.

Views can provide advantages over tables:
  • Views can represent a subset of the data contained in atable.
  • Views can join and simplify multiple tables into a singlevirtual table.

Salceda Bailey


Why use triggers in SQL?

A trigger in SQL is a special kind of StoredProcedure or stored program that is automatically fired or executedwhen some event (insert, delete and update) occurs. If you write atrigger for an insert operation on a table, after firing thetrigger, it creates a table named “INSERTED” inmemory.