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Herein, what does j1850 VPW mean?
J1850-41.6 - Ford The SAE J1850.41.6 standard refers toFord'scommunication protocol. This protocol has been used by Fordsince1996. With Ford's protocol, each bit of information is 24 uslongand has variable voltage pulse widths to represent a logic 0 or1.This is referred to as Pulse Width Modulated(PWM)system.
Similarly, you may ask, what is obd2 CAN protocol?
OBD2 is a 'higher layer protocol' (thinkofit as a language) while CAN bus is a method forcommunication(like a telephone). Since 2008, CAN bus (ISO15765) has beenthe mandatory protocol for OBD2 inall cars sold inthe US, which basically eliminates the other 4protocols overtime.
OBD-IIoffers a standard way to access many types ofdata,including: Real-time parameters: RPM, speed, pedalposition, sparkadvance, airflow rate, coolant temperature, etc.Status of“Check Engine” light.