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Similarly one may ask, how many wine sommeliers are there?
Of those, 139 are men and 26 are women. Thereare262 professionals worldwide who have received the title ofMasterSommelier since the first Master SommelierDiplomaExam. What is the difference between a MasterSommelier anda Master of Wine?
Also to know is, how much does a sommelier make a year?
According to the most recent poll by the GuildofSommeliers Salary Survey of 2014, the averagesalaryfor a Master Sommelier is $150,000 compared to the$78,000for an Advanced Sommelier. "You'd be surprised toknow theamount of sacrifice that it takes to become an MS,"Masonexplains.
A sommelier is a restaurant winesteward.They will know what wines the restaurant has both on andoff thewine list and can help you find the rightwinefor your occasion. Many sommeliers are accreditedthroughprofessional organizations like the Court ofMasterSommeliers or the Wine and SpiritEducationTrust.