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Also to know is, what is the spiritual meaning of seeing a rainbow?
Rainbows Activate Inner Awakening For some people on a spiritual path, theappearance of a rainbow can signal a spiritual innerawakening. This process of waking up to the spiritual realmholds promises of new knowledge and truths. It is a sign of hopeand promise.
Moreover, what does a double rainbow mean spiritually?
A double rainbow is considered a symbol oftransformation and is a sign of good fortune in eastern cultures.The first arc represents the material world, and the second arcsignifies the spiritual realm. Therefore, a singlerainbow signifies a human descending from heaven toearth.
Rainbow Dream Interpretation. Rainbow indreams typically represent positive effects or perspectivessince they usually occur after the rain. Dream Rainbowsrepresents hope, success and good fortune in the form of money,prestige, or fame. Your dreams and wishes may cometrue.