Asked by: Bessie Liso
careers apprenticeships

What jobs did men have in the 1800s?

Men's Labor
Most men were farmers, field hands and skilledcraftsmen. Trading, trapping, fishing, metalworking and sellingmerchandise were other common 19th century occupations formen. Many men were employed as miners in the Midwestand Western frontier during the second half of the 19thcentury.

Simply so, what jobs did people have in the 1800s?

Occupations and Trades of the Eighteenth Century

  • Apothecary - acted as pharmacist, doctor, dentist, and generalstorekeeper.
  • Barber - cut hair; also was a surgeon.
  • Blacksmith-Armorer - made things from iron and repairedweapons.
  • Bookbinder.
  • Breechesmaker - mades breeches.
  • Brickmaker.
  • Cabinetmaker - made and repaired furniture.

Likewise, what were common jobs in the 1700s? Jobs, Trades, and Occupations
  • Apothecary. The apothecaries of colonial times were similar totoday's pharmacists.
  • Blacksmith. The blacksmith was one of the most importanttradesmen of any colonial settlement.
  • Cabinetmaker.
  • Chandler (candlemaker)
  • Cobbler (shoemaker)
  • Cooper.
  • Gunsmith.
  • Milliner.

Then, what was work like in the 1800s?

Simply, the working conditions were terribleduring the Industrial Revolution. As factories were being built,businesses were in need of workers. With a long line of peoplewilling to work, employers could set wages as low as theywanted because people were willing to do work as long asthey got paid.

What were some jobs during the Revolutionary War?

Some of the most common roles for women in theRevolutionary War were cooks, maids, laundresses, waterbearers and seamstresses for the army. This was the first timewomen held these jobs in the military since these positionswere usually reserved for male soldiers.

Related Question Answers

Yu Ibarbourou


What were women's jobs in the 1800s?

Some of the jobs that were available tothem were: domestic service, agricultural laborers,seamstress, washer women, and serving the wealthy residents.Women in this category were expected to fullfil threeroles: “mother, housekeeper, and worker”(Huysman, online).

Cristofer Rabii


What jobs did men do in the 19th century?

Most men were farmers, field hands and skilledcraftsmen. Trading, trapping, fishing, metalworking and sellingmerchandise were other common 19th century occupations formen.

Sellamia Urbin


What were living conditions like in the 1800s?

An influx of immigrants, low wages, high rent ofsubstandard accommodation, meant whole families lived in one room.The major overcrowding, poor quality water and open sewers,encouraged the rapid spread of tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera etcand death.

Rio Matteo


What did people eat in the 1800s?

Corn and beans were common, along with pork. In thenorth, cows provided milk, butter, and beef, while in the south,where cattle were less common, venison and other game providedmeat. Preserving food in 1815, before the era of refrigeration,required smoking, drying, or salting meat.

Weihao Shibu


What problems did workers face in the late 1800s?

Industrial workers faced unsafe and unsanitaryconditions, long work days, and low wages. They often attempted toform unions to bargain for better conditions, but their strikeswere sometimes violently suppressed.

Henar Aiqua


What did people do for fun in the 1800s?

What Did People Do for Fun in the 1800s?People in the 1800s played games, such as rocking,guessing games, word games, horses, trains, marbles and balls.Table games, such as Dominoes, were popular in the 1800s andare still played today. Backgammon, checkers and chess were popularwith both adults and children.

Parthenia Reimundez


What was the overall goal of labor unions during the late 1800s and early 1900s?

The main goal of the labor unions during the late1800s and early 1900s was fighting for better wages, betterworking conditions that included safety and reasonable hours ofwork. The struggle was also against child labor and gettinghealth benefits for the workers and theirfamilies.

Aboubacar Schwingenschlogl


Why were factory conditions so bad at the start of the Industrial Revolution?

they offered workers the opportunity to earnhigher wages. Why were factory conditions so bad at the start ofthe Industrial Revolution? Laws were not in place toprotect workers. textile factories had more jobsthat children could perform.

Thuy Mahtiev


Why did many factory owners in the late 1800s hire children rather than adults?

The owners of the factory preferred childrenrather than adults in the late 1800's because they couldbe less for two children rather than one adults. theycan save more money and there is no childlabor in late 1800's.

Cyril Eihvald


Why was factory work dangerous for children?

A lot of factories used child labor inunsafe conditions. In some cases, they hired small childrenbecause they could get fit into places adults couldn't.Children were subjected to the same long work weeksand poor conditions as adults. Many children were killed orgot sick working in factories.

Larita Jaimes


How did working conditions improve?

Basic Answer: In the late 1800s, workers organizedunions to solve their problems. Their problems were low wages andunsafe working conditions. First, workers formed localunions in single factories. These unions used strikes to try toforce employers to increase wages or make workingconditions safer.

Uzuri Ginters


What is a gentleman in 1607?

The gentlemen settlers were all men who couldafford and bought shares in the Virginia Company while still inLondon. A gentleman might hire laborers to work for him orpay the passage of others in hopes of building an estate in the NewWorld. --craftsman who built furniture, tools, farm implements,wagons, and houses.

Kameliya Bartrina


What jobs were available in the middle colonies?

Jobs in the Middle Colonies
  • Paper making, shipbuilding, cattle works, and textile.
  • New Jersey Jobs Were:
  • New York's Jobs were:
  • Delaware's Jobs Were:

Antonela Hetschold


How did colonial tailors make clothes?

Tailors made clothing for both men and women. Formen, they made greatcoats; cloaks; robes, including loosefitting "banyans" and wrapping gowns, derived from Japanesekimonos; and "sherryvalleys," which were worn on the legs overbreeches to protect clothing.

Viktoryia Gunzkofer


What did the middle colonies trade?

The natural resources available for trade in theMiddle Colonies included good farmland, timber, furs andcoal. Iron ore was a particularly important natural resource. TheMiddle Colonies were the big food producing region thatincluded corn and wheat and livestock including beef andpork.

Eucaris Cuiper


What jobs did the Massachusetts colony have?

Facts about the Massachusetts Colony
Major Industries: Agriculture (fishing, corn,livestock), Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding). In towns alongthe coast, the colonists made their living fishing, whaling,and shipbuilding.

Indara Zannoni


How were the middle colonies governed?

All of the systems of government in the MiddleColonies elected their own legislature, they were alldemocratic, they all had a governor, governor's court, and a courtsystem. Government in the Middle Colonies was mainlyProprietary, but New York started as a RoyalColony.

Liceria Botello


What is traded in the New York colony?

In our colony, we use the resources and rawmaterials available to develop trade in corn and wheat andlivestock including beef and pork. Our other industries include theproduction of iron ore, hemp, iron bars, horses, lumber, coal,textiles, furs and shipbuilding.

Elifio Raben


What was the main source of labor in the southern colonies?

What were the main crops in the SouthernColonies and how did they contribute to the use of slavery?Tobacco, rice, and indigo were the cash crops. The labor wasintense because there were so many crops, so more labor wasneeded. Slavery was the main labor source.