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Regarding this, what animals can kill a wolf?
the bear, if fighting over a carcass can kill thewolf. some Mogonlian tribes hunt the wolf,their wolf is smaller. they hunt wolves with goldeneagles. if a wolf eats a child, the pack dies, the wolveswill pass on man eating.
In this way, what is the predator of a wolf?
The wolf's only major natural predator. Itis often mentioned that the wolves have no naturalpredators. Bears of various species will kill wolfpups, and sometimes, they will kill wolves over territorialdisputes and access to carcasses. Cougars and leopards have beenknown to take the odd wolf.
The situation is desperate, for both the wolvesand the bears. This video of a wolf pack attacking a mothergrizzly and her cubs is proof. They'll surplus kill,which means they'll kill more animals than they caneat or cache at the time. They'll also attack larger predators iftheir numbers make the attack effective.