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Asked by: Cresencio Vallentien
sports snowboardingWhat kind of glycerin do you use for snow globes?
Correspondingly, can you use baby oil instead of glycerin for snow globes?
It works very well. And this is youreasiest/safestchoice if small children are making the snowglobe. Ifyou want the snow to swirl around slower andmorerealistically you can use baby oil, vegetableoil, orwater with a small amount of glycerin in it.About theSnow - I use glitter.
Considering this, how much glycerin do you put in a snow globe?
Personally, we used about 3/4 cup of water, 3teaspoonsglycerin and 2 teaspoons glitter. Don't fill yourjar toomuch because the figurine will displace some waterand youwant a small air pocket for allow for the shaking. Placetheinverted mason jar lid on the jar and securetightly.
Baby oil is made up of Hydrocarbon chains,whichwon't dissolve in water. Glycerin is an oily clearliquidwhich is actually Glycerol, or propan-1,2,3-triol. Youcanthink of it as a three-carbon sugar.