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Keeping this in consideration, is painting concrete a good idea?
A fresh coat of paint or stain can really spruce up concrete basement or garage walls and floors and bring new life to a worn concrete patio. Concrete paints and stains help to mask surface discoloration and signs of wear and tear and they extend the life of concrete by preventing further damage.
Correspondingly, what kind of paint do you use on concrete floors?
Select a primer that's compatible with both concrete and the epoxy paint that you'll use as a finish coat. (Epoxy paint is the best choice for floors, which take a lot of abuse. You'll get the most durable results from epoxy, and it will hold up better over time than latex paint.)
While you can use typical acrylic paints on your concrete slabs, you'll need to keep in mind that most acrylic paints aren't made to take the abuse that a horizontal surface takes. When you do use typical acrylic paints on your concrete, you'll also need to purchase a sealer to help preserve the life of your paint.