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Maycomb, Alabama is described as being a"slow town," where the majority of the inhabitants are oldand there are no significant attractions. It is portrayed as asmall country town, and the community is predominately madeup of conservative, traditional Southern citizens, who areprejudiced against African Americans.
In this regard, what town is Maycomb based on?
Also to know is, how is the town of Maycomb described?
Maycomb is a small, poor town steeped intraditional Southern values. The story takes place in the deepSouth in Maycomb, Alabama during the Great Depression. Atthat time, there was “nothing to buy and no money to buy itwith.” Scout says that people moved more slowly then, becausethere was nowhere to go.
Maycomb as a character has complicatedprejudices. It has laws that make it illegal for Dolphus to marrythe love of his life because he is white and she isblack.