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Trees with white bark can provide a striking contrast for your yard. There are several species of trees with white bark that you can use, including sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), white poplar (Populus alba), quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and ghost gum (Eucalyptus papuana).
Keeping this in view, what does it mean when a tree turns white?
The white fungus or moldy growth that appears on ornamental plants and trees after a rainy period is most likely caused by a fungal disease called powdery mildew.
Simply so, what tree loses its bark and turns white?
Dangerous Fungi 3: Honey Fungus (Armillaria) Black 'bootlaces' may also appear underground and embedded within the tree, most noticeable is the white fungus (mycelium) beneath the bark. Honey fungus is also poisonous and will compromise the structural stability of the tree.