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Asked by: Antolina Verstege
books and literature poetryWhat literary devices are used in Sonnet 29?
Similarly, you may ask, how does Shakespeare use the Lark as a symbol in Sonnet 29?
Answer and Explanation: In "Sonnet 29'",thelark symbolizes the speaker's spirit. In the beginningofthe sonnet, he reflects upon the times when hefeelsthe
Beside above, what literary devices are used in Sonnet 116?
To summarize: alliteration (particularly therepetitionof fricative sounds), onomatopoeia, oxymoron, caesura,imagery, andpersonification (or anthropomorphism) are examples ofliterarydevices used in this sonnet. FurtherReading:
Answer and Explanation: In Sonnet 29 by Shakespeare, two moodsarecontrasted: outcast and depressed with loving and hopeful.Inthe first eight lines, known as the octave,