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Correspondingly, what does being a whole person mean?
To me, a whole person is someone who doesn't needconstant validation and acceptance from the people she loves. Shecan be content just existing, as is, imperfectly, without needingto define herself in any particular moment as a mother,wife, or otherwise.
Additionally, what makes a person a whole self?
Your whole self is the intersection of your pastexperiences, present interests and future goals. It encompassesyour friends and family, strengths and weaknesses, values, beliefsand dreams. Being your whole self means allowing whatmakes you "you" to shine through.
To be personally whole and complete means to befinished with your personal dreams, goals and aspirations or torealise that while you're still alive you're not finished yet, youstill have a purpose in this life. Even if your purpose isto die so that so that something new can come fromit.