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Also to know is, what do EIN numbers mean?
An Employer Identification Number (EIN)isa unique identification number that is assigned toabusiness entity so that it can easily be identified by theInternalRevenue Service (IRS). The EIN is also known as aFederalTax Identification Number.
Thereof, what does an EIN number look like?
FEIN is an acronym for FederalEmployerIdentification Number, also known as an EIN.Thisunique, nine-digit number is used by the IRS to identifyabusiness operating in the United States. An FEINisstructured like this: XX-XXXXXXX. An FEIN is atypeof taxpayer identification number (TIN) used bycertainbusinesses.
An EIN and a Federal TaxIdentificationNumber are the same, just differentterminology forthe same number. The IRS usually requirescorporations andLimited Liability Companies (LLCs) operating aspartnerships toobtain an EIN.