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Asked by: Almike Palicio
business and finance business operationsWhat percentage of the data is within 2 standard deviations of the mean?
Hereof, what percentage of the data falls within 2 standard deviation of the mean?
95.4 percent
In respect to this, what is 2 standard deviations from the mean?
Standard Deviation. Specifically, if a set ofdatais normally (randomly, for our purposes) distributed aboutitsmean, then about 2/3 of the data values willliewithin 1 standard deviation of the mean value,andabout 95/100 of the data values will lie within 2standarddeviations of the mean value.
Regardless of what a normal distributionlookslike or how big or small the standard deviationis,approximately 68 percent of the observations (or68percent of the area under the curve) will alwaysfallwithin two standard deviations (one above andonebelow) of the mean.