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Asked by: Eufrosina Himmighoffen
automotive road side assistanceWhat phones are compatible with QLink?
- Alcatel OneTouch. Elevate, 5MP rear-facing camera, or its 2MPfront-facing camera.
- Kyocera HydroEdge Smartphone.
- The Legacy (N817)
- LG X Charge.
- Blackberry Curve 8330.
- LG Nexus 5 D820 4.95.
- HTC Desire 626.
- How do I Check my Minutes?
Herein, is QLink GSM or CDMA?
Here are the leading Lifeline Assistance companies andthe cell networks on which they work. Find your service providerand you'll quickly see which technology it uses. Safelink Wireless– AT&T GSM, T-Mobile GSM, SprintCDMA, Verizon CDMA, U.S. Cellular CDMA.Depends on geographic location.
Also to know is, can I upgrade my QLink phone?
Q Link Wireless is one of the only Lifelineproviders that gives customers their first phone free ofcharge. But if an accident should happen, or if you're ready for anupgrade, you've come to the right place!
Q LINK Wireless Lifeline Service is funded by theUniversal Service Fund (“USF”) program and administeredby the Universal Service Administrative Company(“USAC”).