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In general the best way to seal rocks painted withacrylic paint is going to be with a spray sealer. Some acrylicpaints are self-sealing, though, and won't need any sealer atall! Self-sealing paints include FolkArt Outdoor paint, FolkArtMulti-Surface Paint and Martha Stewart multi-surfacepaint.
Beside this, how do you seal and protect painted rocks?
These are the 7 most common mistakes people make whensealing their rocks.
- Hold the can too close. Most spray sealers should be held atleast 8″ from your rocks.
- Spray a heavy first coat.
- Spray a heavy second coat.
- Let them dry in the sun.
- Seal your rock right away.
- Only seal the top.
- Seal rocks on a windy day.
- Put gloves on and add resin and hardener in equal parts toplastic or glass container.
- Mix with popsicle stick until you see pearlescent bubbles.
- Using a paint brush, paint on a small amount of resin on thebottom of the rock.
Likewise, people ask, how do you Mod Podge a painted rock?
Brush a thin layer of Mod Podge Matte ontothe stones. Cut some hearts out of fabric or paper scraps. Placethem on the stones and cover with another layer or two of ModPodge. Allow them to dry and you are finished!
Seal the rock with clear acrylic spraysealer, and let it dry. Take the rock outside or intoa well-ventilated area. Set it down on a sheet of paper with thepainted side facing up. Apply a light, even coat of clear acrylicspray sealer.