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Correspondingly, what should I put inside a hedgehog house?
Your hedgehog house needs to keep its feetdry.Perhaps cover your Hedgehog House in leaves and turf togiveit extra insulation. Your Hedgehogs will appreciateyouputting some bedding in for them, Straw, LeavesandHay are all recommended.
Beside above, when should I put out my hedgehog house?
It's worth clearing out the hedgehog home,everyyear or two. You can do this in April, aftertheirhibernation but before hedgehogs starting producinghoglets.However, the ideal time is in October before they gointohibernation, and after most of the litters havebeenweaned.
Do's and Don'ts to protect hedgehogsinyour garden Do put out a bowl of dog food or meatycatfood around dusk. Do install, in a quietpartof the garden, a hedgehog house. Don't useslugpellets or other chemicals, they may poison hedgehogsandother animals.