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Asked by: Noelia Zenasni
books and literature cookbooksWhat should you avoid getting in your eyes while flying Hogwarts mystery?
Hereof, what should you avoid getting in your eyes while flying Harry Potter Hogwarts mystery?
The three choices she gives you are: Insects, Dust, or Tears. Insects. Madam Hooch says it in class.
Also Know, what should you avoid getting in your eyes while flying?
Alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee could increase the likelihood of dehydration and if you like these kinds of beverages in-flight then be sure to drink extra fluids to account for this possibility. Artificial tears can also help combat dry eyes.
Sleeping Draught - this potion causes the person who drank it to fall into a deep sleep. You will unlock this potion during the 7th chapter of the game. You will receive 5 diamonds for creating the Sleeping Draught for the first time. This potion can be created during professor Snape's classes.