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Asked by: Rosiane Leria
business and finance construction industryWhat size should ledger board be?
Besides, can I use 2x6 for ledger board?
2x6 joists should only be used on ground-level decks that do not require, and will not provide for, any guards. Joist hangers are used to attach the ends of joists to the face of a beam or a ledger board. If you identify a crown in the board, you should always install it upwards.
Keeping this in view, can a ledger board be two pieces?
You are required to have a minimum of two of those assemblies on your ledger, and your inspector could well consider a two-piece ledger as actually being two ledgers.
The table states that 2 X 6 rafters spaced 16 inches on center (o.c) can span a maximum distance of 13 feet 5 inches. Another option are 2 X 8 rafters spaced 24 inches o.c.