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Asked by: Milorad Seffrin
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingWhat temperature should paraffin wax be heated to?
Similarly, you may ask, what temperature does paraffin wax melt?
Paraffin wax is mostly found as a white,odorless, tasteless, waxy solid, with a typical meltingpoint between about 46 and 68 °C (115 and 154 °F), and adensity of around 900 kg/m3.
- Add four pounds of paraffin wax to the top of a doubleboiler.
- Add one cup of mineral oil to the wax.
- When the wax is completely melted, take the boiler off thestove.
- Wait for a thin skin to form on the top of the wax.
- Check the temperature of the wax with a thermometer.
In this way, is Hot Wax good for arthritis?
You can use paraffin wax (may be called eitherparaffin or wax) to apply moist heat to your hands or feetto ease the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis. Paraffinespecially helps to reduce pain and loosen up your hand and fingerjoints before exercise. You should talk with your doctorbefore trying paraffin at home.
The opening of pores and removal of dead skin cells willrejuvenate the appearance of your skin and make your hands andfeet feel silky and smooth. Paraffin wax can beeffective in soothing and softening calluses on hands andfeet and healing dry cracked skin, especially onheels.