Asked by: Nazma Berakhiah
healthy living running and jogging

What time is quarter past 11?

24-hour and 12-hour clock
8:15 a.m. It's a quarter past eighta.m.11 p.m. It's eleven o'clock p.m.

Keeping this in consideration, what is a quarter past 11?

Quarter-past (15 minutes past)9:15(quarter past nine) 7:15 (quarter past seven)12:15(quarter past twelve)

Additionally, what time is quarter after 5? So, when it's 7:15, we say it's“quarterpast seven”. Or when it's 1:15, we sayit's“quarter after one”. At minute 45, we sayit's“quarter to” the next hour. For example,at5:45, we say it's “quarter to six” (or15minutes before 6:00).

In respect to this, what time is quarter past?

Hours and minutes

Time Say or Say
1:00 One o'clock
1:05 Five past one One-oh-five
1:10 Ten past one One-ten
1:15 Quarter past one One-fifteen

What is a quarter to 4?

A quarter is 1/4 of a number. There are60minutes in an hour and 15 is one quarter or 1/4thof60. So a quarter past 4 means it is4:15,either am or pm depending on the time ofday!

Related Question Answers

Tonka Galdiano


What is a quarter to nine?

(a) quarter of (a given hour intime)
A quarter of an hour (15 minutes) beforethenamed hour in time (e.g., "quarter of six" would mean5:45).Primarily heard in US. B: "Not until a quarter ofeight, sowe've got plenty of time!"

Chakib Taormina


What time is quarter after 1?

The word “quarter”meansone-fourth. When we say, “A quarterpast6,” we mean one-fourth of an hour past6o'clock, or 15 minutes past 6. When we say,“Aquarter till 6,” we mean one-fourth ofan hourtill 6 o'clock, or 15 minutes till 6.

Micaela Vandalkovsky


What is a quarter to 8?

6:45. It's eight o'clock. 8:00. It'saquarter past nine. 9:15.

Ussama Martinson


What is a quarter till 3?

A quarter hour (1/4 of an hour) is. 15 minutes,ahalf hour (1/2 of an. hour) is 30 minutes, andthreequarters. of an hour (3/4 of an hour) is 45minutes.There are special expressions for time.

Yeremay Remolina


What is a quarter to 1?

a quarter of an hour=15. Therefore, quartertoone would be 15 minutes before one,or12:45.

Julieann Gra


What does a quarter to 7 mean?

(a) quarter of (a given hour intime)
A quarter of an hour (15 minutes) beforethenamed hour in time (e.g., "quarter of six" wouldmean5:45). B: "Not until a quarter of eight, so we'vegot plentyof time!"

Dionicio Cacicedo


What does quarter after mean?

Quarter past or quarter after means15minutes after the stated hour.

Eddy Ferrari


What time is a quarter to 7?

How to say the time in English – ExamplesandReference
Digital Normal Use Hints
6:15 It's quarter past 6. past and the previous hour (here: 6)
6:30 It's half past 6.
6:35 It's 25 to 7. to and the following hour (here: 7)
6:45 It's quarter to seven.

Pool Kirchhofel


How do you write time in hours?

How to Read Military Time. Whenkeepinghours in this fashion, the day starts at midnight andiswritten as 00:00. The last minute of the day is written as23:59,or one minute before the next midnight. Sometimes you may see00:00written as 24:00.

Samoila Tobeña


What is quarter past and quarter to?

When it's before the hour (after 30 minutespast)we say "to". 30 minutes is half an hour, we say "halfpast"or "thirty". 15 minutes is quarter of an hour,we say"quarter past" or "fifteen" or "quarter to"or"forty-five".

Malte Janbarisov


What is a quarter to 12?

one quarter of an hour until it is twelveo'clock.In other words it is 11:45. Quarter past, would beonequarter of an hour after so in the abovecase“Quarter past” or“Quarterafter” would mean 12:15. As 15minutes is onequarter of an hour.

Esohe Rikhter


What does AM and PM mean?

From the Latin words meridies (midday), ante (before)andpost (after), the term ante meridiem (a.m.)meansbefore midday and post meridiem (p.m.)means aftermidday. The American Heritage Dictionary of theEnglish Languagestates "By convention, 12 AM denotesmidnight and 12PM denotes noon.

Maki Ventosa


Why is each 15 minute period on a clock called one quarter hour?

Why is each 15 minute period calledaquarter? Because there are four fifteenminutesections in an hour. Therefore each onemakes upone quarter of the hour and therebythegame.

Tiago Markhanov


How do I tell time in English?

After around 5 seconds the time appears asnumbersand as words (e.g. 2:10 - It's ten past two) next to theclock. Thefollowing time intervals (vocabulary) appear:five past, tenpast, quarter past, twenty past, twenty-five past,half past,twenty-five to, twenty to, quarter to, ten to , five toando'clock.

Clifton Ventriglia
